Terms and Conditions

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Terms and Conditions (Wholesale)

Please find below our current terms and conditions of sale for our wholesale program only. They do not apply to sales placed directly via this website. Submission of your completed wholesale application form constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions below.


  • All payments are charged in US dollars ($USD)
  • To process orders and when setting up a new account, we require the customer to provide details of a valid credit card. Your payment information will be kept securely on file. Visa & MasterCard & Amex are accepted.
  • Orders are charged in full at the time of shipping. We use the credit card on file unless other arrangements have been made.

  • Orders will be charged at the time of shipping using the customer’s payment details on file. Any extension of credit terms will be at the sole discretion of Vital I.D. All unpaid and overdue accounts will be subject to appropriate interest penalties.
  • All product remains the property of Vital ID Inc. until paid for in full.

Product Orders & Shipping

  • Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground. A shipment tracking number will be provided at the time of shipping. To avoid errors, product orders must be made via our order form (supplied on request) or via purchase order. Orders can be submitted via email to orders@vitalid.com

Product Returns

  • Any returned product must be returned in original shipping cases and the product must be returned in unpacked, 100% condition.
  • Product will only be accepted for return due to a manufacturing fault. The customer must inform Vital ID of this situation within 10 business days of receipt of the order.
  • Any refunded monies will exclude the costs of shipping (excluding faulty product returns).

Use of Trademark

  • The use of the “Vital I.D” trademark & corporate identity (including website & logo design elements) by the customer is prohibited unless permission has been granted in writing by Vital I.D. Inc.

Sales & Marketing Material

  • Vital ID will supply customers (on request) with certain selected marketing material including product images and information upon request. These materials will be in digital form for download and use by the customer. All costs for printing and use of these marketing materials will be assumed by the customer.

Liability of Product Use

  • Vital ID Inc. assumes no liability for damage or injury sustained in the use of our product.

Sales Territories & Exclusivity

  • Rights for sales territories will only be given at the sole discretion of Vital ID Inc.
  • Product Pricing

  • Vital ID Inc. reserves the right to change pricing at any time. However the company will provide reasonable notice to customers where it is possible to do so.

Product Development & New Product Offerings

  • Vital ID Inc. reserves the right to make product changes & improvements to our product range without notice.
  • Vital ID Inc. continually innovates and we reserve the right to introduce new products at any time.

Customer Resale / Pricing

  • Vital ID reserves the right to specify a price that the customer can charge the end user for the product in the market place (a high and low price). If the customer refuses to abide by this reasonable price range, Vital ID reserves the right to cease future sales to the customer (the recommended price range is set to provide a fair trading environment for all stockists / retailers/ wholesalers of Vital ID products)

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